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APIs Fun

4.0 ( 8400 ratings )
Yardımcılar Üretkenlik
Geliştirici: Li Qiyue

APIs Fun makes your API management anytime, anywhere you like for fun.

• API GROUP helps manage your APIs in position.
• FOLDER can be the Swiss Knife in organizing APIs with different purposes.
• AUTO ENCODING will encode to valid characters for URL components, parameters, etc.
• GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and so on are supported.
• All requests and their details will be recorded in HISTORY for you to review.
• ENVIRONMENT makes it possible to switch among different settings by a single tap.
• GLOBAL TIMEOUT will be applied to every request under your configuration.
• GLOBAL User-Agent helps to trace the client that is being used.
• Markdown format of description can be used on Group, Folder, API and Environment.
• Clean Native UI makes APIs Fun smooth, speedy and not easy aesthetic fatigue.
• Universal Development for iPhone and iPad to ensure unified user experience.